Saturday, January 13, 2007

The week

Here is how this past week went:

Sunday- 15 (7:54 pace)
Monday- 6 (8:30 pace)
Tuesday- 5 (3 miles at 7:20 pace)
Wednesday- 10 (8:28 pace)
Thursday- 6 (8:25 pace)
Friday- 6 (8:05 pace)
Saturday- 6 (8:20 pace)

54 miles for the week.

As I look back over the week I am able to see that my pace really is dropping. It's nice to see as I think about when I started this just over 3 months ago and I was running closer to 10 minute mile pace for a lot of the treadmill runs. Now I just need to get my mileage up a little higher and keep bringing the pace down. I really am having fun lately and am exicited about the long run tomorrow... except that it is 15 below zero right now (not even considering the wind). I hope it gets a little better by tomorrow because I don't want to get stuck on the treadmill.

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