Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Better than expected

I was a little concerned about how I would feel today because I had some problems with my knee after my run yesterday... it actually hurt to walk. My IT band was very tight and a massage revealed some pretty sore spots. I did some stretching and iced a few times. I am thinking it probably flared up due to the slipping around during my run.. I noticed it a little around mile 9 but it gradually got better and didn't start bugging me again until a few hours after I was done.

I wasn't surprised when it tightened up after a few minutes on the treadmill. Fortunately it didn't get any worse until I was almost 5 miles in to my run. I stopped at 5 before it actually began to hurt. With a little more icing and stretching I expect that it will be fine by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hope the IT band pain eases, I've been through several bouts with both legs over the years. It's probably the only injury I've had where stretching brought relief. Good luck.