Tuesday, January 23, 2007


7 miles today with 2 at 6:48 pace (my goal race pace + 20 seconds). I felt pretty good during the 2 miles and started feeling it a little in my legs towards the end of the second mile. I probably should have toughed it out for another mile but I was a little hesitant because I know I have a big mileage week planned. Anyway, the goal of this was to see how fast I recovered and have something to compare to and hopefully improve on in the coming weeks. I seem to have a very high max heart rate as my heart rate during an average run is often in the 150's. My heart rate during the first faster mile was around 170-175 and climbed to 185 at the end of the second mile. I recovered to 124 in 60 sec and 116 in 2 minutes.

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