Thursday, May 24, 2007

Back to normal

My left IT band has been tight since the race and knee pain has limited my miles. My legs were sore on Sunday and my knee was hurting already at 2 miles so that is where I stopped. The soreness was almost gone by Monday but my knee was a little worse and I ran/walked for 3.5 miles. I have been icing 3X day since Monday, taking some ibuprofen and only running as far as I can make it before my knee starts to hurt. It has been getting better with each day... Tuesday was 5 miles, Wednesday was 6.5 miles and today I made it 8 miles without it even starting to hurt. So I think I am probably done dealing with that... I will still be careful the next few days though because I want to be able to get in a long run on Sunday. If all goes well I will shoot for 17 miles and try to get my mileage up above 65 for next week.

I am anxious to race again. I don't feel like I really raced the half... I figured I would be trying to hit a pace for the first 8-9 miles and then start tactical racing after that. However, because I went out too hard from the start, instead of racing the last few miles I could barely move the last few miles =) There aren't very many (any) races in the area for the next few weeks. It looks like the best opportunity is going to come on June 23rd... there is a 12K race in St. Cloud. It sounds like a neat race (interesting distance and the course winds through 3 different parks along the Mississippi). Plus my family will be able to watch the kids so that Eric and I can both race (if he feels up to it).

There is a 10K on July 4th that I want to race and then I would like to race at least one 5K this summer as well. But my main focus will be building for Twin Cities. The Dick Beardsley 1/2 marathon is on September 8... I want to race that as well (even if it is as a training type race). I am excited to get my miles up right now... if my legs can handle it I would like to be running 90-100 mile weeks in July.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

If you can get that kind of mileage into your legs over the summer, you'll destroy your time from last week's half marathon.

You shouldn't have bonked in the half. Are you sure that's what it was? If so, then drinking half a litre of gatorade or similar stuff should definitely be enough to get you round.