Friday, November 03, 2006

Feeling Better

5 miles for each of the last 3 days.. I am pretty happy with how my leg has been feeling but am still trying to be a little conservative. I will try for 6-7 tomrrow and then 2 hours on Sunday. I have been keeping the pace at 9.5 minutes/mile which is dreadfully slow but is what feels really easy for now on the treadmill. I get myself in trouble on Sundays when I run outside because it's easier for me to run at a faster pace and still feel comfortable. The 12 miler I did last week was at 8:20 pace. It felt great but I think I am paying for it a little now with my knee problems. Anyway, I will try to keep things slow so that my legs hold up to the mileage considering that I am not used to it yet.

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