Sunday, February 04, 2007

Will it ever end?

I had that thought more than a few times this morning during my run. I was a little disappointed because the weather finally got me... I usually get out for my run around 6:00 on Sunday morning but it was -23 with a windchill of -40. I waited until 7:30 with the hopes that it would get a little better but it didn't change. So I decided to hit the treadmill.

20 miles in 2:46:00 (8:18 pace). I decided to go longer and slower than what I have been doing (with some help from Eric) because I tend to try to better my time for my long run each week. I knew it would put a lot of pressure on me to try to run faster than 7:39 pace for 17 miles given that I was going to be on the treadmill and the pace always feels faster for me on the mill. So I had a little more fun by running 20 at a relaxed pace. I felt pretty good and only feel a little muscle soreness coming on.

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